Online Trademark Registration Consultants in Kunnamangalam

Protect your Brand Name, Symbol, Wordmark, Service Mark, Logo Registration Online in kunnamangalam

  • 15 Years of Experienced TM Attorney
  • Low Cost Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam
  • 10 Years Validity
  • 24x7 Service Support
  • Filing of Application for Trademark
  • Quick and Easy Process
  • Suggest Suitable TM Classes for Business
  • Trademark Objection Hearing
  • Trademark Opposition Hearing

Support Languages: English | ಕನ್ನಡ | हिंदी | தமிழ் | മലയാളം | తెలుగు

APPLY TRADEMARK IN kunnamangalam

Online Trademark Registration Consultants in Kunnamangalam, kozhikode

We are the Online Trademark Registration Consultants in kunnamangalam, kozhikode, kerala, India. Are you searching for trademark registration consultants in India then you are in the right path here we offer the services such as trademark registration, trademark renewal, trademark transfer, trademark hearing, trademark opposition filing and also all legal support related to trademark registration. We have group of trademark attorneys for filing and litigation all over India. We are the Trademark Registration Consultants provide end to end services and Make hassle free filing. We prepare and present applications for the clients. We advise clients on intangible property matters and confer clients before the registrars during the prosecution. We make effortless for the applicant to acquire trademark registration in minimal time. We delivery application filing in time, We check and Prevent mistakes in the application, We Guide our clients throughout the process, We Conducts Trademark Search before filing your application. We provide End-to-End Package services. We take timely actions and reduce any late payment charges. We take rapid turnaround so you do not miss the deadline. The various requirements of the customer services are provided in cost effective manner. The staff at this consultancy is polite and prompt at providing any assistance. Pay for the product or service with low cost by using any of the available modes of payment, such as Cash or online transactions. Trademark registration is important for a business to showcases the unique identity, to build trust and loyalty among the customers, It offers legal protection for the brand name.

Trademark Registration Consultants in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion Controller General of Patents Designs & TradeMarks

A trademark can be defined as the sole identity that makes your company, product, or service differ from others. Trademark Registration (TM) is your business's conceptual property. It protects the expenditures made into creating trust and commitment among your customers. The registration furnishes the right against others who try to copy your trademark and stave off others from using a similar trademark of yours. Trademark can be explained in the terms of Trademark Act, 1999 as, “Trademark means a mark efficient of being represented distinctly and differentiate the products, services or goods from one another and may include the shape of goods, fusion of colors and their packaging. Such a mark may include signatures, names, labels, headings, etc. The trademark holder can be an independent, business organization, or any enterpriser.

What is meant by Trademark Registration?

A term trademark refers to an identical word, phrase, symbol or design, phrases, symbols or designs that denote a specific product which identifies and distinguishes the origin of the goods/services from one enterprise to others. A trademark is a unique identification of the product that belongs to the organization's ownership of the brand.

Many features of your brand image can be registered as a trademark. The feature you need to consider is which feature of your brand outfits to your customers. Pick that feature for registering.

  1. Name: It may include Product Name, Business Name, Person's Name/Surname, and Abbreviations.
  2. Logo/Symbol: Decide on your unique brand name and logo.
  3. Tagline: For example, Disneyland: “The happiest place on Earth.”
  4. Other Options: It may include Color Mark, Sound Mark, Scent Mark.

Importance of Trademark registration for a business:

  • It layouts your brand's unique identity.
  • It protects your brand's identity lawfully.
  • It helps you build confidence, trust, and loyalty among your customers.
  • It gives unique strength to your brand.
  • It protects from uncertified usage of your brand's identity.

Benefits of Trademark Registration

  • Exclusive Rights: The owner can have the unique rights
  • Builds trust and Established reputation of the business:
  • It makes it the customers easy to choose the Product:
  • It Identifies the product's Quality and customers attachment:
  • Creation of Assets to improves self-confidence and responsibilities :
  • The ® symbol states that it is your registered trademark no one can violate it:
  • Protection against violation of your product:
  • Attract Human Resources and inspires the positive image of your organization:

Online Trademark Renewal in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

A Registered trademark is valid only for 10 years before the expiry of 6 months we need to file for renewal from time to time. The Trademark Renewal can be filed within six months before the expiry of registration/renewal. The Registrar will send a notice to the registered trademark as a reminder to the owner regarding the expiry of the registration of a trademark.

Online Trademark Restoration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

In case the renewal was not filed before the expiry of the trademark then one should file the renewal under 6 months after the expiry of the trademark with late fees as a restoration.

The trademark renewal has two ways

  1. The existing Trademark can be filed for renewal to change any signature or any words.
  2. The Trademark renewal without a change.

The renewal process can be done by our consultants

  1. The TM-12 application form is to be filled for renewal.
  2. The application can be made by our consultants
  3. Filing a trademark renewal application extends protection by 10 next years.
  4. The status of the application can be checked after filing the trademark renewal application
  5. Once the trademark renewal is approved then it is published in the trademark journal.

Required Documents for Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

Documents Required for Sole Proprietorship (Single Owner) Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

  1. Aadhaar Card of the Applicant or Applicant Name
  2. Address Proof of the Applicant
  3. Logo/WordMark/Company Name
  4. Signature of the Applicant
  5. Signed Power of Attorney (POA) - Form TM-48

Documents Required for Partnership Firm Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

  1. Partnership Deed/ Incorporation Certificate
  2. Logo/WordMark/Company Name
  3. Udyam or MSME Registration Certificate.
  4. Signature of the Partner
  5. Identity Proof of the Signatory
  6. Address Proof of the Signatory
  7. Signed Power of Attorney (POA) - Form TM-48

Documents Required for LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

  1. LLP Incorporation Certificate
  2. LLP Agreement
  3. Logo/WordMark/Company Name
  4. Udyam or MSME Registration certificate.
  5. Identity Proof of the Signatory
  6. Address Proof of the Signatory
  7. Signed Power of Attorney (POA) - Form TM-48

Documents Required for Private Limited Company (Pvt. Ltd) Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

  1. Incorporation Certificate
  2. Logo/WordMark/Company Name
  3. Udyam or MSME Registration certificate.
  4. Identity Proof of the Signatory
  5. Address Proof of the Signatory
  6. Signed Power of Attorney (POA) - Form TM-48

Documents Required for Trust and Society Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

  1. Name and Address of Trust or Society.
  2. Registration Certificate.
  3. Logo/WordMark/Trust Name
  4. Identity Proof of the Signatory
  5. Address Proof of the Signatory
  6. Signed Power of Attorney (POA) - Form TM-48

Procedure of Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

The process of trademark registration online makes it easier. Register your trademark today to protect your company's logo, tagline, slogan, and brand.

Online Trademark Public Search in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

A trademark search wills allow you to find out a similar trademark that has already been registering with the trademark registry.

Online Trademark Application Filing in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

After completing the search for a trademark the trademark application can be filled with the trademark Registrar.
The following information may include:

  • Logo/Trademark
  • Applicant's Name and Permanent address of the trademark holder
  • Class selection or Trademark Class
  • Trademark used since the date
  • Brief explanation of the goods, products, or services.
  • Trademark Application Allotment

Online Trademark Objection Hearing in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

The trademark officer might have some questions about your application. Then the trademark officer will send the objection notice and you need to respond to it within 30 days. If hearing officer satisfied application will go to acceptance or it will be posting for manual or online hearing in respective trade mark registry.

Online Trademark Opposition Hearing in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

The third-party can also oppose your application. In that case, you can submit a counter-statement to the Registrar within 2 months stating why the opposition has been not valid. Then the Registrar may either disclose the opposition or call for a hearing.

Online Trademark Examination:

The trademark application can be reviewed by the trademark office for correctness and issue a trademark examination report. The Trademark Officer has the right to accept the trademark registration application and further allow for trademark journal publication.

Trademark Journal Publication:

If no objections are filed within 90 days of the trademark journal publication, the mark will customarily be registered within 12 weeks.

Trademark Registered Certificate in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

Once hearing is over registrar is satisfied with our documents and arguments application will be registered. you can use symbol of R.

Service Mark Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

Service mark Registration is the another concept of trademark registration procedure in India. Service marks usually using by service providers example hospital, finance, advertising, telecommunications, Medical services etc.. As per trademark nice classification class 35 to 45 comes under this category. Applicant's can use SM after filing application before respective Trademark Registry, and we can conclude that service mark registration and trademark registration both are two concept of intellectual property law (IPR) Depends upon services.

Brand Name Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

Protection of Brand name and Goodwill is an important factor of modern business. That can be done by filing application before trademark registry. All business operators are using different types of brand names under same company or different company. Before choosing a particular brand name search in trade mark registry is a compulsory task. In modern market and online platforms choosing a right brand name for the products or service is mandatory legal compliance. Brand name registration and Trademark registration are the same process in intellectual property rights.

Symbols or Logo Registration in kunnamangalam, kozhikode

Protection of logo is important one to identify products or services in the market. Peoples can easily identify the products by shape, colour, design and art. Logo registration procedure can be done along with trademark registration. Application can be filed along with name or logo can be field Separately. After filing logo application before trademark registry applicant can file copyright application also before copyright registration authority. Before filing logo registration application applicant want to ensure that it's should not be copied from other artwork.

  • TM Stands for Trademark™
  • Unregistered Trademark mark
  • Owner may use TM symbol once application field
  • Claims for Rights
  • Service Mark (SM)
  • Registered Mark ®
  • Copyright Symbol ©

Trademark Registration Classification in India

Here in India available, 45 Trademark Registration Classification, click to find more suitable classes for your business category Read More..

Trademark Registration Faq's

What is the benefit of a Trademark Renewal?

® It establishes the Legal rights and Safeguards your product.
® It Creates A Unique Identity for your products with brand name
® It Creates Business Chances and can transfer the ownership to the interested parties
® It helps the violation of your brand name and products
® Legal Security for Brand Name

Which documents are required for Trademark Renewal?

The following documents are required:
® A copy of the Registration Certificate
® Power of Attorney
® An Address Proof of the Applicant and a copy of the application form (TM-A).

Can we file the renewal of the trademark after the expiry of Trademark Registration?

Yes, it is possible through the Restoration of the trademark. In case the renewal was not filed before the expiry of the trademark then one should file the renewal under 6 months after the expiry of the trademark with late fees.

Can we file the renewal of the trademark after the expiry of Trademark Registration?

Yes, it is possible through the Restoration of the trademark. In case the renewal was not filed before the expiry of the trademark then one should file the renewal under 6 months after the expiry of the trademark with late fees.

How does the trademark registration differs from a Trademark Renewal?

The trademark registration is different it requires the unique logo, unique brand name, the required documentation, and procedure for registration. Trademark registration is valid for some time 10 years.

The trademark renewal is done after trademark registration before 6months from the validation of the expiry period.

What is a Trademark?

Trademark refers to an identical name, word, image, symbol, design. A trademark is the unique identification of the product; it avoids the violation of your products.

How to select a good Trademark?

® First, you need to consider which feature is suitable for your brand and that it outfits your customer.
® Avoid Geographical name, Surname.
® Avoid the words that describe the quality of goods (such as best, perfect, super, etc.)

What is the function of a Trademark?

® Trademark guarantees the quality
® Trademark advertises the brand name
® Trademark creates an image for the product and service.

What are different types of trademarks that may be registered in India?

Name: It may include Product Name, Business Name, Person’s Name/Surname, and Abbreviations.
Logo/Symbol: Decide on your unique brand name and logo.
Tagline: For example, Disneyland: “The happiest place on Earth.”
Other Options: It may include Color Mark, Sound Mark, Scent Mark.

What means the term a Trademark?

The term of a Trademark means the trademark renewal encloses the term of the Trademark by another ten years.

What will happen if one should fail to renew the Trademark?

If one should fail to renew the Trademark then the registrar may cancel your trademark which will lose all the protection that comes with the registration.

What happens to the Ownership Rights after trademark Renewal?

The proprietor can benefit from others by violation of the brand name, logo, and design. It provides permanent protection to your product. It Provides goodwill to the product/service.

What is the Trademark Renewal Procedure in kunnamangalam?

Trademark Renewal Procedure in kunnamangalam:

® The TM-12 application form is to be filled for renewal.
® The application can be made by our consultants
® Filing a trademark renewal application extends protection by the next 10 years.
® The status of the application can be checked after filing the trademark renewal application
® Once the trademark renewal is approved then it is published in the trademark journal.

In how many ways we can renew the Trademark?

The trademark renewal has two ways:
® The existing Trademark can be filed for renewal to change any signature or any words/alterations.
® The Trademark renewal without a change.

Does the owner have the exclusive right to the registered Trademark?

In return for some financial indemnity, a trademark owner has the proprietary rights, to assign the mark, or license, the registered Trademark to someone else.

What is the form to pay the requisite fees to apply?

Form-18 is used to apply the requisite fees. The application is reviewed for quality and excellence before it is approved for renewal.

Why the Trademark should be published?

The Trademark must be published in the Trademark Journal. If no objections are filed within 90 days of the trademark journal publication, the mark will customarily be registered within 12 weeks.

What are the benefits of the Trademark Registration in kunnamangalam?

® Exclusive Rights: The owner can have the unique rights
® Builds trust and Established reputation of the business:
® It makes it the customers easy to choose the Product:
® It Identifies the product's Quality and customers attachment:
® Creation of Assets to improves self-confidence and responsibilities :
® The ® symbol states that it is your registered trademark no one can violate it:
® Protection against violation of your product:
® Attract Human Resources and inspires the positive image of your organization:

Above mentioned all Trademark Registration Benefits not only in kunnamangalam, benefits are all over India

What information does the trademark application has?

® Logo/Trademark
® Applicant’s Name and Permanent address of the trademark holder
® Class selection or Trademark Class
® Trademark used since the date
® A brief explanation of the goods, products, or services.
® Trademark Application Allotment

Do I have to renew my trademark?

Yes, you need to renew your trademark registration once in 10 years before 6 months before the expiry date else you may lose all the protection over the registration.

What are the types of Trademarks?

Three different types of the trademark they are:
® Descriptive Trademarks
® Merely Descriptive Trademarks
® Generic Trademarks

The trademark can be renewed by paying renewal fees?

Yes, It can be renewed by filing a trademark application online. A registered trademark in India has a validity of 10 years. But, it can be kept permanent by trademark renewal.

What is the period for renewal of Trademark?

A registered trademark has a valid period of 10 years, after which it needs to be renewed.

What is the trademark filing renewal fee?

The official fee for online application filing for trademark renewal is INR 9000/-
The official fee for physical application filing for trademark renewal is INR 10,000/-

What is the main purpose of Trademark in kunnamangalam?

The Trademarks, copyrights, and patents protect different types of intellectual property. The trademark is the unique identity of the product. The trademark makes the customers choose their product with quality.

What is an example of a trademark?

The Nike ® logo with the swoosh is a combination of a word and a design that is a registered trademark.

How many trademark classes are there in India?

45 Trademark Registration classification in India, and each classes using for different category of business. View Details

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Class 1 - Chemicals Class 2 - Paints Class 3 - Cosmetics and Cleaning Preparations Class 4 - Oil and Lubricants Class 5 - Pharmaceuticals Class 6 - Metal Goods Class 7 - Machinery Class 8 - Hand Tools Class 9 - Scientific and Electrical Equipment, Computers Class 10 - Medical Equipment Class 11 - Lighting Equipment Class 12 - Vehicles Class 13 - Firearms Class 14 - Jewellery Class 15 - Musical Instruments Class 16 - Stationery and Printed Matter Class 17 - Rubber Goods and Flexible Pipes Class 18 - Leather Goods Class 19 - Non-Metallic Building Materials and Rigid Pipes Class 20 - Furniture and Related Goods Class 21 - Household Items Class 22 - Ropes and Related Items Class 23 - Yarns and Threads Class 24 - Textiles Fabrics Class 25 - Garments and Footwears Class 26 - Fancy Goods Class 27 - Floor Coverings Class 28 - Toys and Sporting Articles Class 29 - Meats and Processed Foods Class 30 - Tea, Coffee and Cereals Preparations Class 31 - Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables and Agricultural Products Class 32 - Light Beverages Class 33 - Wine and Spirits Class 34 - Smokers Articles Class 35 - Advertising, Business, Retailing and Online Services Class 36 - Real Estate, Insurance and Financial Class 37 - Building Construction and Repair Class 38 - Broadcasting and Telecommunications Class 39 - Transportation and Travels Class 40 - Treatment of Materials Class 41 - Education and Entertainment Class 42 - Design, Development Of Software and Hardware Class 43 - Restaurants and Hotel Class 44 - Medical, Beauty and Agricultural Class 45 - Legal, Social and Security Services

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